Development of Ayyapa Temple in Dhule District

across world, please be attention on
the below message and request from
the ayyappa devotees from Dhule
district in Maharashtra.
Swami saranam. . .
I Dr Vijita Nair from Dhule
maharashtra. i wrote an book with all
details of lord ayyappa and the aim
behind writing book is to spread the
power of
Ayyappa all over the world and for
the welfare and development of
Ayyapa temple in Dhule district. It is
situated in rural area where a
small but powerful Ayyappa temple
came up after 25 yrs of struggle due
to financial crisis . . Many more
things have to be done which are
necessities for the temple and the
devotees. . This fund will be used
for the betterment and up bringing of
the temple. . Small small
helping hands can contribute to
complete a big work. Take it as a
service to our beloved Lord
Ayyappa . . This book is not meant
for any
personal business. Its just a
dedication by the me to Lord
Ayyappa. Being an Ayyappa devotee
its our duty to buy the book and read
more information about Ayyappa. .
The book is 47 pages with black and
white photos and complete story
about Ayyapa and details of
Sabarimala pilgrimage. It is written
in simple english . As many hindus in
north dont about Lord Ayyappa who
is the son of great powers lord Shivji
and Lord Vishnu(mohini avatar).. U
should know about lord Ayyappa. So
pls dont just like it but buy the book
get knowledge and help the temple
as a devotional service to God. The
cost of book
is 111rs only and postage charges
accordingly. . Pls contact Mr Vijay
Nair ,President of Ayyappa Seva
sangham Dhule. .for getting books
any offerings for the temple
9422288234 8421218287.
Pls dont consider it as a business or
advertisement. . . Its aim is only to
reach devotees who can help our
temple by buying book. . We did our
ayyapa service now its ur chance to
serve ayyappa. . Swami saranam
I m planing to convert ayyappa stone
idol into panchaloha aanki . . So im
collecting funds through ths book for
my ayyappa temple . . If u can help
me in any way ur welcome . . As im
the, servant of ayyappa i m doing my
ayyappa service. .
Swamy saranam